
FACC holds oathtaking of 2025 board of directors

The 2025 board of directors of the Filipino-American Community of the Carolinas Inc. (FACC) By S usan Palmes-Dennis ROCKINGHAM, North Carolina—It was a perfect place and time to hold last Saturday’s (Jan. 25) oathtaking of the 2025 board of directors of the Filipino American Community of the Carolinas Inc. (FACC).  An intimate and elegant gathering was held for the event at the McCain House in Union Exchange at Monroe and the cold air didn’t dampen the fiery zeal of each of the 12 directors of the FACC in attendance. Sworn to office were Marissa Olarte as President, Liezel Perez Bell as 1st Vice President, Dr. Loie Anquillo as 2nd Vice President, Marites Olarte as Secretary, Barbara Averi as Treasurer, Ranilo Perez Jr as Auditor and Melissa Olarte as Press Relations Officer.  Area Representatives were Emelyn Burgess, Ram Cabanero, Evelyn Glass and Maribel Lankford.    Area Rep Erce Cobile was not around while 2024 FACC president Dr. Ed Tautjo joined the board of dire...

Filipino Americans attend Mass on PH Independence Day in the Carolinas

ROCKINGHAM, North Carolina—Due to the diaspora of Filipinos all over the world,  the celebration of the June 12 Philippine Independence Day is now a global event. This year, the 126th year of Philippine Independence is celebrated by millions of Filipinos who foist the Philippine flags in the Middle East, Australia, Asia, Canada, Europe and the US.  The beauty of the Filipino flag and its special meaning to every Filipino reverberates in each of their hearts even after leaving the homeland and migrating to other countries where they eventually made their new homes. Filipinos by the way especially those who are new to their host countries and wants to find fellow Filipinos won’t be disappointed if they go to Catholic churches.  Here in Richmond County, Americans with Filipino heritage and those who are still Filipinos working on their special visas celebrated Philippine Independence Day by hearing Mass at St. James Catholic Church.  Many attended the Mass including tho...

‘Cabrini’: A woman’s story of faith, courage and empowerment

  By Susan Palmes-Dennis ROCKINGHAM, North Carolina—As I write this, there’s a full week and a few days before March ends.     Incidentally, aside from commemorating the annual International Women’s Month, the last week of March also coincides with the annual observance of Holy Week starting with Palm Sunday on March 24. So it’s probably serendipitous that over the past weekend, seven women parishioners of St. James Catholic Church here trooped to the Carolinas cinema to watch the movie ‘Cabrini.’ ‘Cabrini’ tells the story of Italian immigrant Francesca Cabrini, the founder of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.    She and other sisters arrived in New York and was greeted by the sight of impoverished children, disease, prostitution and other crimes.  Cabrini encountered disappointment, difficulties and resistance within the Catholic Church hierarchy.    Maybe the resistance came out of frustration in failing to establish the Catho...

Meaningful ‘Mary’s Way Of The Cross’ at St. James Church

  By Susan Palmes-Dennis ROCKINGHAM, North Carolina—It was nearly pitch black at the end of the 15th station save only for the lighted candles inside the St. James Catholic Church. The parishioners were caught up with unexplainable sentiments at that moment.   One such churchgoer was Marilou Jagonos Haynes, one of the readers of the Mary’s Way of the Cross, the second year this event was held in the church.    The 15th station is when Jesus Christ is raised from the dead. The resurrection scene was accompanied by a piano solo of the song “What Wondrous Love Is This, O My Soul, O My Soul’ as performed by pianist Debbie McRoberts.     Her voice rang true like a mother longing for the presence of her children. ‘It was lovely,’ said one lady parishioner to Terri Wyman who explained to the faithful in her opening message that the Mary’s Way Of The Cross was held for the second straight year in St. James.    Kim Brunner Stella, who was unavailable that ...

Simbang Gabi, FACC Christmas party roll out this week in Charlotte

  By Susan Palmes-Dennis Rockingham, North Carolina—It’s going to be a busy, meaningful and fun-filled weekend ahead for the Filipino-American community of the Carolinas with two events lined up for their calendar. The first will be the annual Simbang Gabi (Night Mass) at St. Thomas Aquinas Church at 7 pm, according to Joiee Apilat Arrojado.    Fr. Raymond Ekosse, parochial vicar of the St. Thomas Aquinas Church will officiate the Mass and light refreshments will be served afterward. Proceeds of a bake sale of delicious delicacies and desserts will pay for the acquisition of the St. Thomas Aquinas Church sound systems.   The Simbang Gabi is a cherished Filipino Christmas tradition. In the Philippines, the Simbang Gabi starts at 4 am on Dec. 16 and will be held every 4 am until December 24. Catholic churches in the Charlotte area tweak this tradition by holding one hour Masses. Filipino songs will be sung during the Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church and it will be the...

Stories from the 34th FACC Gala Night

  By Susan Palmes-Dennis The winners of the Filipiniana attire, barong Tagalog and long evening gown contest held during the 34thGala Night of the Filipino-American Community of the Carolinas Inc. (FACC) held last Oct. 7 had their own stories to tell about their attire which they shared with yours truly. Foe Tonette Asay, her winning Filipiniana gown was designed by a T’boli fashion design student. The ethnic cloth cannot be replicated locally here in the US and is only used to accentuate the belt or chaleco for special occasions. The hat called ‘Sloong Kneba’ is a symbol representing a bird’s beak. The intricate design pattern originated from Lake Sebu, South Cotabato province.  Asay said the cut of the dress is unique and the butterfly sleeves highlight the national Filipino terno. The color white stands for purity, the red is the blood of ancestors while black symbolizes the soil from which they come from. The yellow color was added to the gown to set the wearer apart as a ...