Aaron Neri, Teting Delegencia: Two kind souls

Myself (second from left) with Barangay Macasandig Captain Aaron Neri (left) By Susan Palmes-Dennis Rockingham, North Carolina--When I learned that Atty. Mateo Delegencia and Macasandig Barangay Captain Aaron M. Neri Sr. died, I told myself to just pray for the eternal repose of their souls. But I couldn’t keep silent about the stories I can share about them, two kind souls who, sadly, I cannot meet again. Both men died of COVID-19 complications based on what I read from the Facebook posts. Due to the quarantine restrictions in Cagayan de Oro City, their wakes and funerals will be limited to their immediate families and close friends. My friendship with them goes back many years. Atty. ‘Teting’ Delegencia was my law professor who handled subjects like Obligations and Contracts and Insurance Law. His law office before was at the ground floor of the Almirante building at Don Apolinar Velez street. My uncle Mauro Naelga rented the first floor of the Padero house...