Like good old times in the FACC 2021 summer picnic

By Susan Palmes-Dennis

Rockingham, North Carolina—It was slightly just a week ago, or August 14, when the Filipino-American Community in the Carolinas (FACC) managed to hold its annual summer picnic at Park Road Park in Charlotte, North Carolina despite the threat of the Delta variant of COVID-19. 

The FACC’s summer picnic was the first event staged by the group after nearly 180 days of hiatus caused in no small part by the coronavirus pandemic. Thanks to COVID-19, all activities scheduled last year and early this year were canceled due to federal and state mandates. 

In his welcome message, FACC President Ro Lawsin called on everyone who attended this year’s summer picnic to reflect on the blessings in their lives during the pandemic including having the chance to secure the facility at Park Road Park for their annual event.

Anyway, on to the program. The first part was a Zumba exercise program led by Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Onia that delighted the crowd, some of whom either joined the Zumba or stayed on their spaces while moving to the Zumba beat. 

Emelyn ‘Em-Em’ Burgess led the singing of the national anthems for the US and the Philippines while Mhay Love led the invocation, imploring divine intervention while reminding one and all to be grateful for the blessings in their lives amid the pandemic. 

Then it was the Silo Band of Geoffrey Villarasa on bass guitar, Glenn Espiritu on lead guitar and vocals and Jigs Tarantino on drums who regaled the crowd with their song numbers. Not to be outdone,  Marissa Olarte got the crowd pumped with her rendition of the Beatles’ classic song ‘Come Together’ and among those who enjoyed her performance were Kee Martin, Kay Ronquillo, Emelyn Burgess and Tess Olarte.

Along with the singing and steady exchange of hellos or kumustahan and the hearty eating of Filipino classic dishes (of course a thanksgiving prayer was led by Carilyn Ave, 2017 FACC Board of Directors secretary before mealtime) a silent auction was held with donations from FACC. Raffles, games and registration of both old and new members also marked the annual picnic. A trivia game on Philippine history had everyone reminisce fondly about their country of birth. 

Of course, the question of who was the first Filipino gold medalist had everyone answering correctly but there was only one winner. 

By the way, FACC Area Representative Beth Kremer moderated the trivia game. The ice cream cart pushed by Bradlee Helms and Sean Kremer had the audience singing the classic Celeste Legaspi song ‘Mamang Sorbeto (Mr. Ice Cream Vendor is the closest English translation I can get).’

Seen among the crowd were FACC past presidents Lynn Lorenzo Polk, Doris Mata, Robert Escobal and Florami Lao Cordero Lee, Muffy Therrien and yours truly Susan Palmes-Dennis. Likewise present was former FACC officer Lota Mascarenas. 

Also in attendance were past officers who now serve in different capacities such as Area Representatives, Vice Presidents, Secretaries and Treasurers among others--Boging Mata, Kay Ronquillo Antone, JP Ave, and Carlynn Francisco Ave, Cip Onia, Tonette Asay, Ronnie Dennis, Edelweiss de Guzman Vogel, Kay Ronquillo Antone, Blessel Arcamo, Grace Basilan and Marissa Borja. 

FACC President Lawsin’s line of ‘wish we could have done more and wish we could do more’ was received enthusiastically by those present. 

This year’s members of the FACC Board of Directors and officers are: President Rogelio ‘Ro’ Lawsin, 1st Vice President Yulie Armstrong, Ed Tautjo, second VP, Secretary Love Mhay, Treasurer Doreen Reynolds, Auditor Margie Macabodbod, Ronel Enriquez PRO.  

The Area Representatives are Jean Helms, Beth Kremer, Evelyn Glass, Evan de Guzman and immediate past president Muffy Therrien.  For this writer, this year’s FACC summer picnic was a vibrant display of the Pinoy’s indomitable spirit, that the physical constraints caused by the pandemic won’t ever dampen the Filipino’s festive mood and determination to have fellowship even for one day. 

To cap off the FACC’s annual summer picnic, Bradlee Helms--son of Area representative Jean Helms and Chris Helms—sang another American classic ‘Mr Sandman.’ The song reflects the simple, yet deep yearning of every Filipino-American for the pandemic to end, an aspiration shared by peoples around the world. 

The FACC faced trials through the years only to finish strong in the end due to the collective will of its members. Again, congratulations to the FACC 2021 board of directors and officers for a successful summer picnic. 


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