Maria Lynn's untimely demise

Maria Lynn donating her hair to her cancer-stricken friend Eva Berdon Rhyne

by Susan Palmes-Dennis

Rockingham, North Carolina—Maria Lynn is unable to celebrate her birthday on Dec. 20. 

Instead Maria’s family and friends will bid her a final farewell as she will be laid to rest on Wednesday, Dec. 15, at the South Chapel of the Greene Funeral Service whose address is 1503 S York RD, Gastonia, NC 28052. 

When I saw a Facebook post detailing Maria Lynn’s untimely demise due to a heart attack, I was stunned like her friends at how her death came so suddenly. My mind went back to the days when I met Maria Lynn, specifically on the 2017 Spring Picnic organized by the Filipino-American Community of the Carolinas Inc. 

Since there was already a program for that event that was held during my incumbency as FACC president, I had to decide favorably on Maria Lynn’s request to allow her to shave her long hair  in front of all attendees. She did this in support of her friend Eva Berdon Rhyne who was battling cancer at that time. 

Maria Lynn donated her hair and we donated a sizable amount to Eva. Her simple act of generosity made quite an impression on me. Several weeks after that I learned that Eva died and I lost connection to Maria Lynn. 

During the Asian Festival last  Oct. 23, I helped out in the registration during lunch time and a woman whose face and features struck me as familiar approached me and handed a packed lunch. 

It took me sometime to recall who she was and I remembered that it was Maria Lynn, the woman who donated her hair to Eva Berdon Rhyne. 

I couldn’t eat my packed lunch yet during the registration as I answered questions from the registrants and Maria Lynn kept reminding me to eat. She also told me that another packed lunch was given to me by Tonette Asay and Maria Lynn’s reminders also left an impression on me. 

A 'stolen shot' I took of Maria Lynn (left). 
And during last Dec. 4’s FACC Annual General Assembly/Christmas party, I met Maria Lynn again. We sat on a long bench with Lynn Lorenzo Polk and Rose Talley

That third time, there were no requests, no reminders of packed meals. She did look at me and I obliged with a smile. 

In between conversations with the attendees I thought about talking a selfie with her. On learning about her passing, I regretted not even taking time to do that selfie with her. 

In her Facebook post, past FACC president Lynn Polk had this to say to Maria Lynn, who she considers a close friend: ‘I love you Maria Lynn mi amiga. May God embrace you in His arms and let you fly with the angels.’

Maria Lynn is survived by her husband of 24 years, Stewart Lynn, her son James Lynn and step-sons Douglas and Christopher along with her parents Cesar DeCara Sr and Erlina Dadilag DeCara and siblings in Banga-an, Panitan, Capiz, Philippines. 

In her obituary it was said that Maria Lynn loved the beach and the mountains. Past FACC president Dr.  Nini de Bautista is asking for prayers for the eternal repose of Maria Lynn. 

Update: Even in death, Maria Lynn's generosity and altruism/selflessness knows no bounds. From Amie Mendoza Arvay: The person that doesn’t have much gave so much more. She (Maria Lynn) also donated her eyes as she was an organ donor… how selfless…' 

From what I’ve heard, Maria Lynn’s wish was to see the Northern Lights. I would like to think that she’s now playing with the stars out there in the heavens. 


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